Electoral College Information Page
General Information
Library of Congress: Overview of Electoral College Procedure
Federal Election Comission: History of the Electoral College
Library of Congress: How the Electoral College Works
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Library of Congress: Elections Primer
(207k, PDF format)
Historical Documents -- Congressional Record
First-hand highlights from the election of Thomas Jefferson to George W. Bush
Debate on the Current Election Code (Adopted in 1887)
(8.6mb, PDF format)
Supreme Court Documents on the 2000 Florida Election
Laws Governing the Election
Excerpts from the Constitution
Relevant portions of the U.S. Code
Precedents governing the electoral college (a history from 1789-1974)
The Federalist Papers
#68: On the election of the president
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#59: The role of Congress in elections
Scholarly Opinion
The Electoral College and the American Idea of Democracy
. An essay by Martin Diamond.
When No Majority Rules: The Electoral College and Presidential Succession
Links for more information
National Archives and Records Administration
Many of these files are in PDF format. You can use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read them.
Front Page